function reloadFrame(framename) { window.parent.frames[framename].location.reload(); return; } function setCookie (name,value) { var today = new Date(); var expiry = new Date(today.getTime() + 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); window.document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + "; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } function getCookie (name) { var dcookie = window.document.cookie; var cname = name + "="; var clen = dcookie.length; var cbegin = 0; while (cbegin < clen) { var vbegin = cbegin + cname.length; if (dcookie.substring(cbegin, vbegin) == cname) { var vend = dcookie.indexOf (";", vbegin); if (vend == -1) vend = clen; return unescape(dcookie.substring(vbegin, vend)); } cbegin = dcookie.indexOf(" ", cbegin) + 1; if (cbegin == 0) break; } return null; } function getRT(documentObject, sourceField, targetFieldName, targetFieldObject) { var form = documentObject.forms[0]; //this gets a handle to the form if (documentObject.applets.length != 0 ) { for(i=0;i 12 || year <=0) { setFocus(fld, type); alert("Incorrect value is found. month must be between 1 and 12.\n" + msg); return false; } } } return true; } // fullTrim will remove ALL spaces - use for validation checking of fields // to make sure an actual value has been entered...not just empty spaces. function fullTrim(cstring) { var temp = ""; if (cstring == null) { return temp; } cstring = '' + cstring; splitstring = cstring.split(" "); for(i = 0; i < splitstring.length; i++) temp += splitstring[i]; return temp; } //trim() will trim all extra spaces on the left and right function trim(cString) { len = cString.length; if (len==0) return cString; for (var n=0; n=0; n--){ rPos = n; if (cString.charAt(n) != " ") break; } return cString.slice(lPos, rPos+1); } function compute(fld1, fld2, op, opt) { var form = document.forms[0]; fld1_tmp = eval("form." + fld1 + ".value"); fld2_tmp = eval("form." + fld2 + ".value"); if (isNaN(fld1_tmp) || isNaN(fld2_tmp) || (fld1_tmp=="") || (fld2_tmp=="")){ return "" }else{ result = eval(fld1_tmp + op + fld2_tmp) if (isNaN(result)) return "" else { if (op=="/" && opt=="100") return result * 100 else if (op=="*" && opt=="100") return result / 100 else return result } } } function sum(fldname, n) { var form = document.forms[0]; var fld_tmp; //handle single field and multiple fields in group if (n==1) fld_tmp = fldname; else { fld_len = fldname.length if (fldname.charAt(fld_len-1)=="1") fld_tmp = fldname.substring(0, fld_len-1) else fld_tmp = fldname; } var tmp = 0; for (p=1; p<=n; p++){ //don't append serial number when checking for a single field if (n==1) q = "" else q = p; fldvalue = eval("form." + fld_tmp + q + ".value"); if (fldvalue != "") tmp = tmp + parseFloat(fldvalue) } return tmp; } function formatNumber(num, opt, factor) { //opt == -1 round up. ie, 58.15 gives 59 //opt == -2 round down. ie, 58.95 gives 58 //opt == -3 normal rounding, ie, 58.49 gives 58; 58.50 gives 59 //opt == n indicates number of decimal points will be kept. No rounding is carried out. //factor to be rounded to. Assuming factor >= 1 tmp_num = parseInt(num); tmp_opt = parseInt(opt); tmp_factor = (factor=="") ? 1 : parseInt(factor); if (isNaN(tmp_opt) || isNaN(tmp_num)) return num; left_over = (tmp_factor==1) ? (num - tmp_num) : (tmp_num % tmp_factor); switch (tmp_opt){ case -1:{ if (tmp_factor==1) return (num>tmp_num) ? (tmp_num + 1) : tmp_num; else //return (num>=tmp_num) ? (tmp_num + tmp_factor - left_over) : tmp_num; return (left_over != 0) ? (tmp_num + tmp_factor - left_over) : tmp_num; break} case -2:{ if (tmp_factor==1) return tmp_num else return tmp_num - left_over; break} case -3:{ half_factor = factor / 2; if (tmp_factor==1) return (left_over>=half_factor) ? (tmp_num + tmp_factor) : tmp_num; else return (left_over>=half_factor) ? (tmp_num + tmp_factor - left_over) : (tmp_num - left_over); //remaider = num - tmp_num; //return (remaider>=0.5) ? (tmp_num + 1) : tmp_num; break} default:{ //deal with decimal points remaider = num - tmp_num; strTmp = new String(remaider); new_remaider = strTmp.substring(0, tmp_opt + 2); return tmp_num + parseFloat(new_remaider); break} } } //double click to clear radio button function clearRadio(fld) { for (var p=0; p < fld.length; p++){ fld[p].checked = false; } } function words(cString, cSep) { var cTmp = cString.split(cSep) return cTmp.length; } function word(cString, cSep, n) { var cTmp = cString.split(cSep) return (n <= cTmp.length) ? cTmp[n-1] : "" } function left(cString, n) { var cTmp = ""; for (var i=0; i < n; i++) { cTmp = cTmp + cString.charAt(i); } return cTmp } function right(cString, n) { var cTmp = ""; strLength = cString.length; for (var i=0; i < n; i++) { cTmp = cString.charAt(strLength-i) + cTmp; } return cTmp } function instr(cString, subString) { if (cString.indexOf(subString) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function detectBrowser() { var oldOnError = window.onerror; var element = null; window.onerror = defaultOnError; navigator.OS = ''; navigator.version = 0; = ''; = ''; var platform; if (typeof(window.navigator.platform) != 'undefined') { platform = window.navigator.platform.toLowerCase(); if (platform.indexOf('win') != -1) navigator.OS = 'win'; else if (platform.indexOf('mac') != -1) navigator.OS = 'mac'; else if (platform.indexOf('unix') != -1 || platform.indexOf('linux') != -1 || platform.indexOf('sun') != -1) navigator.OS = 'nix'; } var i = 0; var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.indexOf('opera') != -1) { i = ua.indexOf('opera'); = 'opera'; = 'opera'; navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+6), 10); } else if ((i = ua.indexOf('msie')) != -1) { = 'microsoft'; navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+5), 10); if (navigator.version < 4) = 'ie3'; else = 'ie4' } else if (typeof(window.controllers) != 'undefined' && typeof(window.locationbar) != 'undefined') { i = ua.lastIndexOf('/') navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+1), 10); = 'gecko'; if (ua.indexOf('netscape') != -1) = 'netscape'; else if (ua.indexOf('compuserve') != -1) = 'compuserve'; else = 'mozilla'; } else if ((ua.indexOf('mozilla') !=-1) && (ua.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (ua.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('opera')==-1)&& (ua.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (ua.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)) { var is_major = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); if (is_major < 4) navigator.version = is_major; else { i = ua.lastIndexOf('/') navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+1), 10); } = 'netscape'; = 'nn' + parseInt(navigator.appVersion); } else if ((i = ua.indexOf('aol')) != -1 ) { // aol = 'aol'; = 'aol'; navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+4), 10); } navigator.DOMCORE1 = (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined' && typeof(document.createElement) != 'undefined'); navigator.DOMCORE2 = (navigator.DOMCORE1 && typeof(document.getElementById) != 'undefined' && typeof(document.createElementNS) != 'undefined'); navigator.DOMHTML = (navigator.DOMCORE1 && typeof(document.getElementById) != 'undefined'); navigator.DOMCSS1 = ( ( == 'gecko') || ( == 'ie4') ); navigator.DOMCSS2 = false; if (navigator.DOMCORE1) { element = document.createElement('p'); navigator.DOMCSS2 = (typeof( == 'object'); } navigator.DOMEVENTS = (typeof(document.createEvent) != 'undefined'); window.onerror = oldOnError; } function validateEmail(checkAddress) { // Checking for the existence of "@" and ".". // Length must >= 5 and the "." must not directly precede or follow the "@" if (fullTrim(checkAddress) == "") { return true; } else if (checkAddress.indexOf("@") == -1) { return false; } else if (checkAddress.charAt(0) == ".") { return false; } else if (checkAddress.charAt(0) == "@") { return false; } else if (checkAddress.len < 6) { return false; } else if (checkAddress.indexOf(".") == -1) { return false; } else if (checkAddress.charAt(checkAddress.indexOf("@")+1) == ".") { return false; } else if (checkAddress.charAt(checkAddress.indexOf("@")-1) == ".") { return false; } else { return true; } } function showProcess(profileUNID) { var boxWidth = (screen.width/3) * 2; 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