AGE Computer Consultancy
AGE Computer Consultancy
Notes / Domino data migration experts
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View Applet Print Utility for Lotus Notes / Domino
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Product Information
This application demonstrates how to create a printer friendly view of a Domino® view applet when displayed in a web browser. The problem with printing a view which is displayed as an applet in a browser is that only the visible contents of the view will print. This application can also be used with HTML views enabling the whole view to be printed instead of just the visible page.

This application shows how to create a dynamic form which opens in a new window on the browser with the entire view displayed and formatted in HTML to match the formatting of the view as displayed in the applet. Formatting that is retained includes font sizes, colours, categorizations, totals, responses, etc.

View columns that contain the following formulas are supported: @DocParentNumber, @IsExpandable, @DocChildren, @DocDescendants, @DocLevel, @DocNumber, @DocSiblings, @IsCategory. Normally these columns are not available through the NotesViewEntry.ColumnValues property but this application demonstrates how you can deal with these.

Try it now directory from our website!
We have setup a preview copy of this application for you to try immediately from our website. To access the online preview copy now please click here. After the preview loads and displays a view click the Printer icon in the upper right-hand corner to see how this product works.

IBM, Lotus Notes, Domino, and LotusScript are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.